Blog - Page 6

Leopards of Klaserie Drift

Posted by Emily on Tue August 9, 2022 in Wildlife.

Over the years, our guides have had the luxury of getting to know many of the different leopards that call our part of the Klaserie home. Whilst some grow and move on to pastures new, others stay and thrive along our stunning section of the Klaserie River, even raising the next generation of fabulous felines right on our doorstep. Following their stories and learning about each individual character is a fascinating aspect of our guides' work. Here we share a little about just some of the incredible leopards that are currently found at Klaserie Drift.

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June 2022 Sightings

Posted by Emily on Sat July 16, 2022 in Sightings Report.

The lions and leopards of the Klaserie have not disappointed this month - with many wonderful sightings of both species, spoiling our guests with a whole trove of unforgettable memories. Late rains have splashed shades of green amongst the largely yellow grass and even caused a few flowers to bloom unseasonably. Keep reading to discover some of our favourite moments from June.

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May 2022 Sightings

Posted by Emily on Wed June 8, 2022 in Sightings Report.

As the winter cold begins to bite, our early risers have been treated to some magical, mist-covered mornings as they head out on their sunrise safari. At Klaserie Drift, our guides love to take full advantage of this precious golden hour, where not only is the light fantastic for photography, but it’s also the time where our predators are most vocal - perfect for seeking them out before they settle for the day. Keep reading to find out which Klaserie characters have been making waves this month…

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April 2022 Sightings

Posted by Emily on Mon May 9, 2022 in Sightings Report.

Some unexpected late showers brought a burst of life to the bush during April, sprinkling the veld with a new, green growth amongst the drying, yellow grass. The male impala have begun ramping up their singing voices as they entered the annual rutting season, flushing the savanna with their throaty bellows as they seek to dominate over their rivals. Amongst all the commotion, our plentiful predators quietly raise the next generation - with leopard, lion and hyena cubs all featuring in the month’s top sightings. Keep reading to find out more.

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March 2022 Sightings

Posted by Emily on Fri April 1, 2022 in Sightings Report.

March kicked off with a bang at Klaserie Drift with an incredible find of the much-anticipated lion cubs! 3 tiny new bundles of joy - barely a week or two old - were finally spotted secreted away in a raisin bush thicket with their River pride mother. Over the days that followed, our lucky guests enjoyed some magical sightings and even spotted proud dad Hosi and a young sub-adult male pulling baby-sitting duty before the lioness decided to relocate her cubs elsewhere. Keep reading to discover what else has been happening this month.

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