
Articles about the wildlife at Klaserie Drift

Safari Lingo: The Big Five

Posted by Emily on Thu May 23, 2024 in Safari Factfile and Wildlife.

Ever wondered about all that safari lingo? Don't get your trunk in a twist! From who are the Big Five (and why) to what they're called in the local language - here's our guide to naming the Big Five.

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Elephant families and the rise of multi-generational safaris

Posted by Emily on Wed March 20, 2024 in Travel experiences, Safari Experiences, and Wildlife.

Did you know that most animals don’t have grandmothers? At least not in the way that we, as humans, do. Elephants, however, are one of the few species with whom we share this trait. Research shows that elephants born to young mothers are up to eight times more likely to survive if their grandmother is around. Wisened by years of child-rearing, leadership and life experience, elephant grandmothers are a critical support system and source of guidance to their families. Not unlike us.

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Lions vs leopards – an unforgettable safari encounter!

Posted by Emily on Thu February 1, 2024 in Sightings Report and Wildlife.

Big cats hold a special place in our imagination, with lions and leopards often being the most sought-after sightings on safari. Revered for their incredible beauty and ferocious power, it’s no wonder that we are fascinated with them. Yet, as much as we dream of the perfect lion sighting or a bucket-list leopard in a tree, we rarely dare to think of seeing both at once.

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The River Pride strike again!

Posted by Emily on Sat August 26, 2023 in Sightings Report and Wildlife.

It’s fair to say life is never dull when living amongst wild animals. However, there are some that keep us more on our toes than others here at Klaserie Drift – and the Klaserie River Pride is one such example! Hitting the headlines as recently as late last year when their ranks exploded to more than thirty individuals, these lions became known as a rare ‘Super pride’. Keep reading to find out the latest on these awesome felines.

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Debunking common wildlife myths!

Posted by Emily on Sat July 1, 2023 in Safari Factfile and Wildlife.

Did you know the cheetah is not actually the fastest animal on the planet? That accolade actually belongs to the Peregrine falcon, which can dive at speeds reaching a colossal 390km/h! Keep reading to uncover the truth behind more common myths and misconceptions about African wildlife.

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