
Exploring the outstanding beauty of the Kruger National Park

Posted on Tue June 25, 2024.

Chances are, you’ve probably heard of the Kruger National Park. As the world’s largest and second oldest reserve, the Kruger National Park has become an iconic safari destination for local and international travellers alike.

Here at Klaserie Drift, we are proud to share unfenced boundaries with this area of outstanding natural beauty and cultural heritage. The reserve may be on the northeastern border of South Africa, but it plays a central part in the fabric of South African culture. For those of you joining us in the Klaserie in the future, you might want to consider adding a day or two in this iconic destination, just an hour’s drive from our nearest town and airport.

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Safari Lingo: The Big Five

Posted by Emily on Thu May 23, 2024 in Safari Factfile and Wildlife.

Ever wondered about all that safari lingo? Don't get your trunk in a twist! From who are the Big Five (and why) to what they're called in the local language - here's our guide to naming the Big Five.

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What to do in Hoedspruit?

Posted by Emily on Thu April 18, 2024 in Travel experiences.

So, you’ve booked your flights and are finally heading off on your dream safari – but what else is there to do in the area? Klaserie Drift Safari Camps is primely located on the Klaserie River in the Greater Kruger, just an hour’s drive from Hoedspruit; the lowveld’s gateway wildlife town and tourist haven. From stunning hikes and horseback rides to seeing it all from the air in a hot-air balloon or light aircraft, Hoedspruit has an eye-popping array of things to do for tourists and travellers of all ages and fitness levels. Here, we break down one of our favourite, local ‘must-do’ activities – a trip to the achingly beautiful Blyde River Canyon.

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Sightings update: March safari highlights!

Posted by Emily on Tue April 9, 2024 in Sightings Report.

As summer slowly gives way to the first signs of winter, March has proven to be wildly drier this year than last. The grass is already withered to hues of yellow and gold and the once raging Klaserie river now slowly ebbs and winds through the reserve. The forecast of an ‘El Niño’ drought is ringing truer than ever…. However, it is no secret here at Klaserie Drift that our prime location alongside the river is particularly favoured by local wildlife in such times. With a bumper series of sightings this month, we could hardly disagree. Here are a few of our favourite moments over the last few weeks…

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Elephant families and the rise of multi-generational safaris

Posted by Emily on Wed March 20, 2024 in Travel experiences, Safari Experiences, and Wildlife.

Did you know that most animals don’t have grandmothers? At least not in the way that we, as humans, do. Elephants, however, are one of the few species with whom we share this trait. Research shows that elephants born to young mothers are up to eight times more likely to survive if their grandmother is around. Wisened by years of child-rearing, leadership and life experience, elephant grandmothers are a critical support system and source of guidance to their families. Not unlike us.

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