Blog - Page 4

Top 8 reasons why you need to visit South Africa NOW

Posted by Emily on Fri February 10, 2023 in Travel experiences.

South Africa is famous as being a world-class safari destination, but did you know there’s so much more to our incredible country than just wildlife? Keep reading to discover our top 8 reasons why you should visit South Africa NOW!

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What is a typical day like on safari?

Posted by Emily on Tue January 31, 2023 in Safari Experiences.

Ever wondered what a typical day on safari at Klaserie Drift Safari Camps looks like? Get the lowdown in our latest blog post...

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New year, New you!

Posted by Emily on Mon December 26, 2022 in Safari Experiences.

The new year is just around the corner and, with it, comes a host of positive resolutions and commitments to changing our lives for the better. As the world becomes more chaotic and connected, we find ourselves busier than ever – but are we happier? Studies have shown time and again that one of the best ways to increase wellbeing and happiness is not buying a new phone or getting that promotion, but simply spending time in nature.

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Cub Cannibalism - A River Pride Tragedy

Posted by Emily on Wed November 23, 2022 in Sightings Report and Wildlife.

Tragedy has struck the youngest members of the iconic Klaserie River pride leading to a rare case of cannibalism observed between the lion cubs. Keep reading for the full story...

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The lowdown on walking safaris - everything you need to know

Posted by Emily on Sun October 30, 2022 in Safari Experiences.

One of the most common questions we get asked by our guests planning their safari is, what is the difference between a vehicle-based safari and a walking safari? Apart from the obvious – that a walking safari is on foot – there are a few other differences that it is important to be aware of when deciding on the best experience for you.

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